Three little birds.....sat on my window....and they told me I don't need to worry......
Oh, I love that song by Corinne Bailey Rae(Put your records on).
I've had a sad week. My "abuelita"(grandma) is ill. She will be passing soon and I saw her more as a child, but as an adult......I guess I got busy. This Sunday will be her 92nd birthday!!! She has had quite a life, but I guess as I get older it seems like it's harder to see family pass. I'm hoping to make the 5.5 hr drive to celebrate her last birthday with her this weekend, but I'm still in shock that it will be her last.
Here is a photo of her and my grandfather and their first Papi.

I scanned this lovely photo and got out my glass slides and glass cutter.
After that I cut the slides in half. Now they measure 1.5"x1" and put them together with copper foil.
Time for my soldering iron, gel flux, and silvergleem solder.
VOILA!!!! Here is Hermelinda in all her glory. Isn't she gorgeous? I left everything very rough, so it would look vintage.
I really like how the solder went all over the place. Usually I'm such a perfectionist, so this was super fun.
I really love how they all turned out. Hopefully my Primos will too, LOL!

A very long time ago...................
Abuelita- What do you have on your teeth?
Me-OH, this is for my teeth. My dentist told me to wear this.(I had aluminum foil on)LOL!
A-How long do you have to wear it for?
Me-Until my teeth are straight.
A-I can tell that they are getting better.
Me-It may take years!