HOLA Sweet Cheeks!
I can tell by visiting your blogs that everyone has been busy this Fall. I've had a lot of activities and projects I've been working on, so I've got a lot of photos to share.
My darling friend just had her 4th little one and I wanted to give her something special. This has quilted squares and 100% cotton knitted squares. I had a lot of fun printing these photos on material and adding them to the top.

FELIZ DIA DE LOS MUERTOS! I didn't grow up enjoying this holiday, but they celebrated it at X's school. We had a lot of fun celebrating and remembering our loved ones that have passed.
Pan de los muerto(day of the dead bread). We just painted dough with food coloring. X had a lot of fun=0)

This is the alter at school. The kids really loved and respected this area. You know how hard it can be to control all those little curious fingers.

Fun skull project at school.

Back at home we had fun painting our pumpkins.

We ended up with a VERY colorful pumpkin and a ghost pumpkin.

Yesterday, we spent the day in Capistrano.
First, we had to have a push up pop for extra energy;0)

Now for the Petting Zoo!
Pony ride time for Miss J.

Fun train ride too!

This was a lot of fun for all the kids. Playing in corn!

X was happy to play after he fed all the bunnies, then later the goats and sheep. I would of gotten some photos, but the animals were very hungry and would jump on you looking for food. It was VERY funny, but a little crazy too. LOL!

Here we are! It was warmer than I thought, but we had a lot of fun.
I really see that I need to work on my posture, LOL!

Now for the beach! We ended up going on a long walk on a trail to the pier.

It was a nice day, but then we still had to walk back to the car! LOL! Usually, I don't mind, but I was wearing leather boots. We made it back and I only had two blisters and possibly one corn on top of my baby pinky toe, lol.
Thanksgiving is just around the corner...can you believe it? I'm looking forward to a big HOT meal. We all have so much to be thankful for and a slice of pie will be nice too!
Wishing you all safe travels and lots of pumpkin pie(YUM!).
My other job.......
X-Can we go get a new Doodle Pad?
X-I have to get the one for BOYS only.
Me-They have one for everyone.
X-Girls too?
X-Hmmmm, I'm not sure I want it anymore. Lets just go look at it.....not really sure about it.