Sunday, July 29, 2012

Girls weekend

This weekend I believe that I was able to capture so much natural art. The boys were on a family baseball trip back east...SO THE GIRLS MUST PLAY! We packed our bags and headed to our girls weekend getaway. It was SOOOOO much fun! It was so peaceful and the weather was just GORGEOUS! There was a lot of goofing around and my little J kept saying how much fun she had=0)

 My little J enjoying the breeze. The water was just so glittery.

Come this way!!! We've got bread!

 Nana & J bird watching.

 Back at home enjoying the peace and quiet.

 This 60yr old tree is GORGEOUS. ALL the grooves everywhere. It's right next to the house=0)

 We added a new baby to the family! She was SO hungry. J just played with her all during dinner.

We went to town and they had an outdoor lobster dinner. It was under a huge white tent and there were  lots of people enjoying the mountain air....AND LOBSTER=0)

Back at the house we enjoyed the sun going down.
 The big girls are super excited about the Olympics and of course we had to discuss the USA outfits designed by Ralph Lauren.

We walked down to the lake to feed the ducks the next morning.

Down by the boats.
 The water was just gorgeous. We just wanted to jump right in, but J still can't get her boo boo wet=0(

 We got a few swings in before lunch.

I just love the shingles on this house. They look really pretty.
 Cutest matching gates. One up by the house and another by the boating dock.

It's a girl on a swing. SO cute.

We then went to lunch with our little friend=0)
J deep in thought. 

Now for the hard part....WHICH ONE WILL I DRAW/PAINT.
This was the perfect trip to finish our summer.

Kiss your peeps.

My other job....
X(left me a message)-I love you and miss you AND I'M UP AND IT'S 11 AT NIGHT.
It's 11....It's 11...It's 11...We had a great day! IT'S 11.

Okay, I was laughing SO hard by the end of this message because he's back east. It's really 8pm on the west coast, so it just seems so funny to me. 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

You say tomatoe and I say tomaTOE

The school year is about to begin on August 1st and we will be going back to our normal schedules.
The summer started out wonderful, but by the last two weeks... OY.
So, everybody is feeling good and ready to get back to it.

My tomatoes are looking gorgeous!
I have been working in the garden and just loving every second of it=0)
Last night I was on the phone with one of my greatest friends of all and we were just giggling...giggling...giggling. I can't wait to fly out to see her soon! We stay in and eat Thai noodles and wash it down with wine=0) LOL! I am so lucky that my core group of girlfriends have been such wonderful friends...sisters really. We stick together like my gorgeous tomatoes=0)
So, I loved my tomatoes SO much I had to sketch them with watercolor pencils and ink. Now for dinner I'm going to cook them with salmon, garlic, lemon, wine and olive oil. SOOOOO delish!!

Kiss your peeps!

My other job....
Me-I'm so glad to be home! My garden needs water BAD.
X-Do you think tomorrow morning we can clean up in the garden and talk.
Me-Yes, we really need to do that.
X-I'm so glad J is feeling better. 
Me-Me too and Dr.S said he will see J Thursday to take out the stitches.
X-I think she is going to scream!
Me-He said it doesn't hurt at all.
X-Hmmmm.....       Do I get a quarter for helping in the garden tomorrow?
Me-Yep. Are you going to charge me for the conversation too?
X-I can do that?

Friday, July 20, 2012

So fun

My lockets arrived!!!
I'm really excited to get them started. I've also been inspired by a documentary that I watched about birders. If you are like me and didn't know there was such a thing you should watch it. 
We will see what birds I come up with. I'm still not sure which ones I like best=0)

Kiss your peeps!

My other job.....
X-I can't wait to visit J!!!!!
Me-Here is your suitcase. Go ahead and pack two of each of everything.
5 minutes later
X-I'm all packed!!!! I think I'm an expert at this kinda stuff.
Me-Just go ahead and leave it in your room. I'll double check it later.
X-WHy??? I did it already.
Me-Okay, just leave it in your room.
X-Are you gonna double check it? I know you are going to do it. I know it. Why can't you just trust me? Just tell me right now. Are you going to?
Me-Can I talk? What was the first question again?
X-I'm just going to put it in the garage. Dad would just trust me and I don't know why you have to double check E  V  E  R  YTHING! What kind of mother doesn't trust her children? What is wrong with you????????????

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Close to your heart.

I've been in my sketch book today!
I've got some new ideas for the lockets that should be arriving any day=0)

Butterfly looking around a tomato plant. I love them in my garden, BUT the very hungry caterpillars are eating everything in sight!

Lavender...lavender...lavender!!! I just love the smell and I don't really mind the bees buzzing around=0)

Initials! This is a sketch of a cable knitted sweater. Who are you K1...P1 to? Who did you tie the knot with? It's just a fun idea!

I was just in Pasadena and took lots of pictures in a community garden. One of the most wonderful things I saw was a big plant full of artichokes. I had never seen them in person or maybe it never caught my eye before. Just LOVED it!!!!

Hope you have a sunny day!
Which locket would you love to have hanging close to your heart?

Monday, July 16, 2012

Gimme a kiss

Having some fun in my sketch book today. I love seeing women with bright lipstick. I can not do this no matter how hard I try. My lips are just way too big and it takes over everything else. LOLLL! 

This summer got super busy, so I haven't had a chance to post much. I have been reading a lot of illustration books lately. We love the library around here=0) This lip sketch was one of the activities to practice, so I thought I'd start here. Maybe I'll work on some ears tomorrow! Practice makes perfect;o)

I ordered some new lockets, so I'll post on those once I get going. It has been a while since I made some and I just took a million photos at a community garden in Pasadena. I can't wait to draw them!

Kiss your peeps with bright lipstick=0)

My other job..........
Me-How does your leg feel?
X- Okay.
Me-I didn't even see any jelly fish out there.
X-I saw a medusa...pretty cool.
Me-What did it feel like? Did it burn?
X-It burns a lot, but the vinegar spray, a.k.a magic spray, made it feel WAY better.
Me-So, what was your favorite part of the day?
X-Being stung by the jelly fish!!
X-I got a totally awesome story now!!!!