It's finally starting to feel like summer around here! You are probably wondering why I'm mentioning fall....right?
I'm not LOCA Sweet Cheeks!
Fall is just around the corner and it is my favorite season. Yes, yes....all the COLORS.
It's also because so much is going on this week. I just wanted to give you a quick recap of what I've been working on.
First up.....
A quilted memory/photo blanket. I've got all the squares almost ready for the final stitching. They are all stuffed and now I just need to sew the open side. I think I might knit several chocolate squares, just to give a different texture. The photos have already been printed on material, but they will go on last. This is a gift, so that's why I'm not showing the pictures right now, LOL!
Up next....
I just finished a custom order for a sterling silver, double dangle glass necklace. It's about 17" around the neck, but the dangle part adds another 1.5". This is for a repeat client that always just lets me do whatever I want. Yes! She tells me what color she wants and then she lets me do AN Y T H I NG! Gloria Divina!
Hope she loves it!
And finally...
I've started the locura(craziness) of THE COWL/NECK WARMER.
Last Christmas I couldn't think of what to get my mother in law. We were on a tight budget, but I wanted to get her something nice and that she could REALLY use. So, this is what I came up with, but in bright orange! I used a silk/wool, that of course was the most expensive on the planet, LOL! I saw it and it was perfect. GULP.....when I looked at the price, but it had to be done(PUNTO!). That means PERIOD! Well, I posted the picture of me wearing it on my Cielo Azul Jewelry Facebook page. SANTA MARIA!!!!!!! I couldn't make those things fast enough. People just loved that you throw this perrito on and then run out the door. No need to tuck in a scarf and wrap it around your cabeza 20 times, LOL. So, this year....I'm hoping that I make enough for the Christmas season.
I better get back to knitting!
Hope you have a gorgeous week,
My other job.....
X-I'm so hot that my head is watery.
Me-Your body is trying to cool you off. It's called sweat.
X-What?! My body knows I'm hot?
Me-Yup, and when you get older you'll sweat all over the place.
X-You're joking right?(totally grossed out face)