Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Bring the fun

Tomorrow is the 4th of July here in the states. 
Always a fun day to enjoy street fairs and I love all the spirit around town.
Flags EVERYWHERE...corn on the cob EVERYWHERE.
Fireworks are my favorite, so hopefully I won't be too sleepy by 9:00p.m.
Any super fun plans going on for you? 

Hope you all enjoy your day celebrating=0)

NOW-Sunday enjoy 30% off my shop! Coupon code BOOMPOW

My other job...
X-I can't wait to see the fireworks with dad again.
Me-I was thinking we could all go together this year. J is old enough to enjoy now.
X-Oh no....I don't think so. She won't like all the noise.
Me-We could at least try and see how it goes.
X-That's okay. Me and dad are fine going alone.
Me-I get the feeling you don't want us to go.
X-I just know it will be too loud.
Me-You were the same age the first time we took you.
X-Mama...everyone knows that boys just understand things WAY before girls.
Me-Say WHAT?


  1. Happy 4th of July :) I'm just eleven days late. I'm sorry for not responding sooner but I was on a trip for a summer job and I could only go online on my cellphone. Unfortunately the only time I even had the energy and the time to check out my inbox something wasn't working right so after slowly typing a response to you for 15 min everything got deleted. Well I'm back (at least for now) and I hope I'll finally get the opportunity to draw something new :) I simply have to get started :) How have you been?
    Also, I wanted to ask you for an advice so I it would be awesome if you could give me your e-mail so I don't have to write an entire book in the comments section of your blog :)
    P.S. Your son is as wonderful as always :D
    P.P.S. I love your new illustrations

    1. Hope your summer job was fun! You can reach me anytime at


Who doesn't love a colorful message? Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day=0)