Friday, February 21, 2014

A little twinkle...

I have a little story to tell. It has a lot of things that girls like. Sparkle...accessories/jewelry...
and a butterfly=0) About twenty years ago I was walking around Nordstrom. I couldn't afford anything too fancy, but I loved just looking around. I worked in the mall, so it was super fun to listen to the piano player during my lunch hour. Yes...they had a piano player=0)
So one day I was looking around and a sparkle caught my eye. There were TONS of gorgeous butterfly hair clips/bobby pins on display. I thought I was going to die. The colors were just SOOO
beautiful and I had to have one. I wanted them all, but I could barely afford one. I ended up picking a gorgeous red butterfly clip by Tarina Tarantino and boy did I wear that hair clip. Even after all these years it still looks beautiful and I love to attach it to sweaters and sometimes in my hair. SO, the other day my daughter was looking at it and asking me where I got it and could she have it. I'm not so sure she wouldn't lose it in 2.5 seconds =0/ So, I thought I could just paint one for her room. And she seems to be happy with being able to look at it all the time. A little twinkle goes a long way around my house=0)

Have a great day,

My other job...
J-Ohhhhh....mama this is so pretty.
Me-Yes, it's beautiful.
J-Can I wear it in my hair?
Me-Not yet honey. Maybe when you are older. I don't think I'd be able to find another one.
Me-One day I promise to give it to you, so don't worry. How about I paint one for your room?
J-OH...oh...that's a good idea. 
J-Please do it right now. Can I watch?
Me-I have too much stuff to do right now, but I'll start soon.
J-awwwww. Don't forget mama. Don't paint other fashion stuff. Do mine first.
Me-I will honey.
J-PINKY PROMISE....please.

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